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Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines combat, dance, games, music, culture and acrobatics. It is a game of attacking and defendingIt is a game of attacking and defending It improves your strength, flexibility and coordination skills and is excellent for fitness. Practising capoeira is a social and multicultural event.

This lesson is for children aged 5 to 13 and is not part of the Jupiter subscription. No classes during school holidays. For more information call Pardal 0465/80.58.15 or mail to


Class Timetable

  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
Wednesday 16:00 16:55 Pardal Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
Saturday 10:30 11:30 Pardal Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
16:00 - 16:55 - Pardal - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
10:30 - 11:30 - Pardal - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem

Class Information

 Open: April 16, 2023
 Next: September 28, 2024

Class Trainer

30 parkeerplaatsen + straatparking

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem


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