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is a form of body exercise with control from your abdominal and pelvic areas that strengthens your whole body. Control and correct execution are central: breathing and awareness to work the right muscles are the basis of every exercise. The result is longer muscles and more supple joints as well as a stronger, more balanced body.

Reservation for this lesson is not necessary, always 1 free trial lesson.


Class Timetable

  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
Monday 13:30 14:30 Sarah Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
Thursday 18:00 19:00 Eloïse Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
Friday 17:15 18:10 Eloïse Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
13:30 - 14:30 - Sarah - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
18:00 - 19:00 - Eloïse - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
17:15 - 18:10 - Eloïse - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem

Class Information

 Open: May 18, 2024
 Next: September 26, 2024

Class Trainer

30 parkeerplaatsen + straatparking

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem


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