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Start your day with a wonderful energy boost! In this yoga session, we flow from one yoga posture to another in an energetic and balanced way. With a lot of attention for our breathing and always a mindful moment to close. Everything you need to start your day with a smile.

Reservation for this lesson is not necessary, always 1 free trial lesson. Always enough Yoga mats available for everybody.

Class Timetable

  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
Thursday 10:30 11:30 Els Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
10:30 - 11:30 - Els - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem

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Class Information

 Open: March 8, 2024
 Next: September 26, 2024

Class Trainer

30 parkeerplaatsen + straatparking

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem


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