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This Yoga focuses on loosening and strengthening connective tissue and joints. It is a class in which you are both physically challenged and completely at peace. While other forms of yoga often revolve around actively tightening muscles, Yin Yoga aims to let go of them as much as possible. Poses are held longer than in a regular yoga class. The Yin part focuses mainly on sitting and lying postures. The Yang part is slightly more active and often consists of standing postures, paying attention to breathing, movement and alignment.

Reservation for this lesson is not necessary, always 1 free trial lesson. Always enough Yoga mats available for everybody.

Class Timetable

  Open Time Close Time Trainer Address
Friday 10:30 11:30 Els Doggeweg 87 Zaventem
10:30 - 11:30 - Els - at Doggeweg 87 Zaventem

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Class Information

 Next: September 27, 2024

Class Trainer

30 parkeerplaatsen + straatparking

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem

Doggeweg 87 1930 Zaventem


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